Publications and preprints
Khintchine dichotomy for self-similar measures, with W. He and H. Zhang.
(Preprint arXiv:2409.08061, 33 pages)Multislicing and effective equidistribution for random walks on some homogeneous spaces, with W. He.
(Preprint arXiv:2409.03300, 73 pages)Local limit theorems for random walks on nilpotent Lie groups, with E. Breuillard.
(Preprint arXiv:2304.14551, 64 pages)The central limit theorem on nilpotent Lie groups, with E. Breuillard.
(Annals of Probability, to appear, arXiv:2302.06024, 68 pages)Winding of geodesic rays chosen by a harmonic measure
(Mathematische Annalen (2024), 390(1): 1419-1465)Exponential mixing for commuting automorphisms of a nilmanifold, with P. Varjú.
(Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2024), 44(7): 1729-1740)Equidistribution of mass for random processes on finite-volume spaces
(Israel Journal of Mathematics (2023), 255: 417–422)Random walks with bounded first moment on finite-volume spaces, with N. de Saxcé.
(Geometric and Functional Analysis (2022), 32: 687–724)Some asymptotic properties of random walks on homogeneous spaces
(Journal of Modern Dynamics (2023), 19: 161-186)Transience in law of symmetric random walks in infinite measure
(Bulletin de la SMF (2024), 152(1): 19-31)Drift of random walks on abelian covers of finite-volume homogeneous spaces
(Bulletin de la SMF (2023), 151(3): 407-434)Radon stationary measures for a random walk on Td \times R
(Annales de l’Institut Fourier (2022), 1: 21-100 - written in french)
My Ph.D. thesis (advisor Yves Benoist)